绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(来电尊享优惠活动)杭州绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处地址:400-8828-814【售楼处地址】(来电尊享优惠活动)Greentown Yongxi Yunlu Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] (call to enjoy exclusive discounts) Hangzhou Greentown Yongxi Yunlu Sales Office Address: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Address] (Call to enjoy exclusive discounts)绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】◇馆主跑盘有话说:城西、未科一直以来不缺需求,缺的是好产品,尤其是低密产品。虽然板块内已经有和悦清晖园、曜珹里、云檐里等叠墅项目,但这次绿城来了,带来了新的活力。绿城真的要卷死同行了,这可以说是绿城今年最用心的项目了,全维度示范区已经开放,提前就把车库、恒温泳池、外立面都做出来了,坐在上叠的样板房间里看咏溪湖,直觉告诉我,这真不错。 基本情况速览Greentown·Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] Greentown·Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] ◇The owner’s running list is available In other words: Chengxi and Weike have always been short of demand, but they are short of good products, especially low-density products.Although there are already villa projects in the sector such as Heyue Qinghuiyuan, Yaoxunli, and Yunyanli, this time Greentown has arrived, bringing new vitality.Greentown is really going to beat its peers. This can be said to be Greentown's most dedicated project this year. The full-dimensional demonstration area has been opened. The garage, heated swimming pool, and facade have been built in advance. Sitting on top of the stacked model Looking at Yongxi Lake from the room, my intuition told me that this is really good.A quick overview of the basics【项目名称】绿城&宇诚·咏溪雲庐【项目位置】杭州市余杭区运溪路隧道与学前路交叉口东南侧(禹航实验学校南侧)【物 业 费】物业费6.6元/㎡【总 户 数】约440户 ,51栋幢叠墅【首开套数】即将首开100套【容 积 率】1.2,低容积率,更好的居住体验【主力面积】约199-374㎡【价 格】33150元/㎡(含精装修3500元/㎡)【占地面积】91440平方米【物 业】绿城物业【车位配比】1:1.9【交付时间】2026年3月绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】我们来看一下现场跑盘的情况。首先是我是从武林广场出发开车到的项目,周末上午大约花了30分钟不到。不得不感叹,最近开的钱塘快速路,的确方便了城西和闲林人民的生活▼Greentown·Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] Let’s take a look at the on-site sales.First of all, I drove to the project from Wulin Square. It took about 30 minutes on the weekend morning.I have to sigh that the recently opened Qiantang Expressway has indeed made the lives of people in the west of the city and Xianlin more convenient▼绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】一下车就看到气派且讲究的售楼部入口,项目案名所在的墙面和回廊墙面也是花了心思的,绿城从太行山脉千里迢迢运了500吨的“中国黑老石皮”制作而成▼Greentown Yongxi Yunlu Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] As soon as you get off the car, you will see the grand and elegant entrance of the sales department. The wall where the project name is located and the wall of the corridor are also decorated. With great care, Greentown transported 500 tons of "Chinese black old stone skin" from the Taihang Mountains ▼穿过门仪就看到一幅美景,馆主忍不住立刻拍了张照片,站在那里,仿佛山水都浓缩在你的回家动线上▼绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】项目设计团队由桃花源的原班明星阵容组成。建筑设计由九米总建筑师贺珉总亲自操刀,景观营造为GTS蓝颂设计总经理宋淑华,室内设计请来了台湾著名空间设计师刘荣禄。刚好我去那天,宋淑华和贺珉两位大师也在讲课,馆主抽出一个小时也仔仔细细听了下▼Greentown·Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] The project design team is composed of the original star lineup of Taohuayuan.The architectural design was personally designed by He Min, the chief architect of Jiu Mi, the landscape was created by Song Shuhua, general manager of GTS Lansong Design, and the interior design was performed by Liu Ronglu, a famous space designer in Taiwan.It happened that on the day I went there, two masters, Song Shuhua and He Min, were also giving lectures. The owner of the museum took an hour to listen carefully▼绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】再往前走就看到特别的售楼处——扇亭,首层全景玻璃窗长达52米,无线湖光山色尽收眼底,实在太有意境了。交付以后这里会是物业用房,全体业主可以当作自己的会客大厅,实现湖景平权▼Greentown·Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] Walk forward and you will see the special sales office - Fan Pavilion. The panoramic glass window on the first floor is 52 meters long and wireless. You can have a panoramic view of the lakes and mountains, which is so artistic.After delivery, this will be a property building, and all owners can use it as their own reception hall to achieve equal rights to the lake view▼整体沙盘图▼沙盘图项目北区细拍▼沙盘图项目南区细拍▼绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】这是楼栋分布图,可以看出来绿城巧妙地利用北面的天然湖泊,将湖水引入院内,水系贯穿南北区域,流淌到家门前,这样的环境,低密住宅也不多见▼Greentown Yongxi Yunlu Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] This is the building distribution map. It can be seen that Greentown cleverly uses the natural lake in the north to introduce the lake water into the courtyard, and the water system runs through the north and south areas. , flowing to the front of the home, such an environment is rare in low-density housing▼绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】扇亭下面的带了北区的会所(南区还有一个)和地下的恒温泳池,恒温泳池窗外就是林木葱茏、走出去就是咏溪湖景,这感觉太棒了▼Greentown·Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] Below the fan pavilion is a clubhouse in the north district (there is another one in the south district) and an underground constant-temperature swimming pool. There are trees outside the window of the constant-temperature swimming pool. It's lush and green, and you can see the view of Yongxi Lake when you walk out. It feels great▼就连地下车库也卷的要死,这颜值杠杠的▼咏溪云庐的外立面使用了香槟金色铝板,搭配石材和大面积玻璃,外立面颜值也是相当能打▼咏溪云庐做的入户大门也是相当讲究的,并且走了上下叠业主双动线归家。大门进去就是下叠的入户花园▼咏溪云庐大部分户型皆可由私梯入户。图为电梯间▼样板房图片赏析现在,我们再来看看绿城咏溪云庐的户型。它的面积有约199-209-237-273-296-308-315-343-374m²。绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】叠排分为上下两叠,每叠为地上两层设计。单幢叠排规划为一梯一户——大多数户型都预留私梯,下叠直达地下室,上叠直达顶楼露台,加上南北各自庭院入户,尽可能的和传统概念里面的别墅、排屋体验感接近。普遍为两联或者三联式设计,外立面材质为石材、铝板和全落地玻璃,综合得房率约90-122%,赠送面积部分为阳台和露台。Greentown Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] The stacks are divided into upper and lower stacks, and each stack is designed to have two floors above the ground.Single buildings are planned to have one elevator and one household - most units have reserved private elevators, with the lower stack leading directly to the basement, and the upper stack leading directly to the rooftop terrace. In addition, the north and south have separate courtyard entrances, which are as close as possible to the traditional concepts of villas and villas. The townhouse experience is close.They are generally two- or three-plex designs, with exterior facade materials made of stone, aluminum plates and floor-to-ceiling glass. The overall housing acquisition rate is about 90-122%, and the free area is balconies and terraces.下叠规划为地上两层,带一个面积约60 m²的地上花园,带地下室,但需要另外购买。上叠都带有70㎡起步的露台。杭州小胖看房,赞18绿城咏溪云庐199㎡ 下叠4室2厅3卫样板房实拍1层客餐厅▼1层厨房▼1层次主卧套房▼2层主卧套房▼2层次卧▼2层北向书房和客卫▼地下室是需要另外购买的,交付是毛坯状态。地下室挑高约5.6米▼绿城咏溪云庐209㎡ 下叠4室2厅3卫样板房4层客餐厅,样板房的视野极佳,望出去就是咏溪湖,客厅带一个外联阳台▼4层次主卧套房▼3层主卧套房和外联阳台▼3层次卧▼3层北向书房和客卫▼上叠屋顶带了一个起步面积70㎡的大露台▼小区配套我们来谈一下这个楼盘的配套吧。首先是交通配套,咏溪云庐步行距离地铁都在约1.8公里绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】其次是商业配套,自驾到绿汀路万象城约15分钟,路程4.5公里。自驾到江南时代约10分钟,约3公里。自驾到闲林老街约3.5公里,开车大约12分钟。Greentown Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] Next is the commercial facilities. It takes about 15 minutes to drive to Vientiane City on Luting Road, a distance of 4.5 kilometers.It takes about 10 minutes to drive to Jiangnan Times, about 3 kilometers.It is about 3.5 kilometers to Xianlin Old Street by car and takes about 12 minutes by car.绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】再就是学校配套,因为是新盘不划归学区,所以只能参考周边的学校。目前周边有吉66堡英群幼儿园,禹航实验学校,浙江绿城足球学校,杭州学军中学海创园校区等。Greentown·Yongxi Yunlu sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [Sales office phone number] Then there are school facilities. Because it is a new project and is not classified as a school district, you can only refer to surrounding schools.Currently, there are Jibao Yingqun Kindergarten, Yuhang Experimental School, Zhejiang Greentown Football School, Hangzhou Xuejun Middle School Haichuangyuan Campus, etc.最后就是最重要的医疗配套,从咏溪云庐开车16分钟就到达浙一总部院区。医疗配套可谓顶级。优点、缺点最后,我们来谈一下这个楼盘的优缺点。首先谈缺点,咏溪云庐步行距离地铁都在约1.8公里,出行会依赖自驾或者公交出行。当然项目是刚需地段、改善产品,基本上都在大几百万级乃至上千万,门槛很高,对于普通刚需和刚改用户来说遥不可及(如果这也算缺点的话,哈哈)再来谈优点。1.绿城品牌的加持。绿城用心匠造的好产品,给了高端改善购买最大的理由。2.未来科技城快速成长,外溢需求很大。余杭区西迁以后,动作频频,无论是产业兑现,还是城市资源都在集聚,未来未科和城西的改善需要外溢到性价比高的、环境好的低密住区,这里就符合。3.稀缺湖景资源的加持。叠墅常有,但是带有一线湖景和山景的叠墅不常有。Advantages and Disadvantages Finally, let’s talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this property.Let’s talk about the shortcomings first. Yongxi Yunlu is about 1.8 kilometers away from the subway, and you will need to rely on self-driving or public transportation to travel.Of course, the projects are for those who just need the land and improve the products. Basically, they are in the millions or even tens of millions. The threshold is very high and out of reach for ordinary users who just need it and those who have just changed (if this can be considered a shortcoming, haha). Talk about the advantages.1. The blessing of Greentown brand.Greentown's carefully crafted good products give high-end customers the biggest reason to buy.2. The future science and technology city will grow rapidly and the spillover demand will be huge.After Yuhang District moved westward, there have been frequent moves, whether it is industrial realization or urban resources are gathering. In the future, the improvements in W绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(来电尊享优惠活动)杭州绿城·咏溪云庐售楼处地址:400-8828-814【售楼处地址】(来电尊享优惠活动)Greentown Yongxi Yunlu Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] (call to enjoy exclusive discounts) Hangzhou Greentown Yongxi Yunlu Sales Office Address: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Address] (Call to enjoy exclusive discounts)最近,上海购房政策频出,贷款LPR也发生较大变化,本文汇总了上海购房的最新信息,涉及政策、限购、贷款。上海买房必备,建议星标关注收藏备查。一、上海2024年2月最新限购政策2024年1月30日,上海市住建委发布本市住房限购政策:自2024年1月31日起,在本市连续缴纳社会保险或个人所得税已满5年及以上的非本市户籍居民,可在外环以外区域(崇明区除外)限购一套住房(含新建商品住房和二手住房)。二、售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】上海2024年2月最新人才住房政策三、上海2024年2月最新购房商贷款政策根据相关政策,上海地区的首套房贷利率是LPR的基础上再减10个基点,故从今天开始,上海地区执行最新贷款利率情况是首套房3.85%,意味着上海首套房贷利率迎来“3时代”。二套房在LPR基础上加30个基点为4.25%,青浦、嘉定、松江、奉贤、宝山、金山、临港新片区的二套房贷利率则为4.15%。而未调整前,上海地区执行首套房利率是4.1%,最低首付款比例不低于30%;二套房主城区房贷利率4.5%,最低首付款比例不低于50%,非主城区房贷利率4.4%,最低首付款比例不低于40%。四、上海2024年2月最新公积金贷款政策品尊国际售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(来电尊享优惠活动)上海普陀品尊国际售楼处地址:400-8828-814【售楼处地址】(来电尊享优惠活动)Pinzun International Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] (Call to enjoy the special offer) Shanghai Putuo Pinzun International Sales Office Address: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Address] (Caller to enjoy the special offer) Enjoy preferential activities)